" Living in thanksgiving daily is a habit that will enrich our lives and the lives of those we love." -Elder Wirthlin
Happy Thanksgiving this week!! I hope you all have time to reflect the many many things that we have to be grateful for and think of those that have oh so much less that we do. Whether its physically or spiritually, there are so many out there who are in need and yet they find a way to be grateful in their circumstances.
Which is a perfect lead in to one experience that we had this week with a lady Charmane. We knocked on her door, and as I was trying to talk to her about the Restoration, it just was a struggle. I couldn’t get the words out and it just didn’t flow. I had the impression to ask her a question. Any question, It didn’t matter. So I asked her how she increased her faith in Christ. At that moment she started to cry and tell us how she felt hopeless and alone. She was soon going to be homeless, kicked out of her apartment in the cold with her two children. She had lost her job and hadnt been able to find another yet. She has called homeless shelters and they all turned her away because they were already full. She continued on with how it was hard to believe that God was there for her amidst her trials. Sister Burningham and I were able to testify that Heavenly Father loved her and he had placed us in her path at this moment to share our message so that she could find that peace. We talked to her about the plan of salvation and how that related to her. The spirit was so strong. It was beautiful and such an answer to prayers. It was such a miracle and a blessing to see how we are daily able to become instruments in the Lords hands.
Happy Thanksgiving this week!! I hope you all have time to reflect the many many things that we have to be grateful for and think of those that have oh so much less that we do. Whether its physically or spiritually, there are so many out there who are in need and yet they find a way to be grateful in their circumstances.
Which is a perfect lead in to one experience that we had this week with a lady Charmane. We knocked on her door, and as I was trying to talk to her about the Restoration, it just was a struggle. I couldn’t get the words out and it just didn’t flow. I had the impression to ask her a question. Any question, It didn’t matter. So I asked her how she increased her faith in Christ. At that moment she started to cry and tell us how she felt hopeless and alone. She was soon going to be homeless, kicked out of her apartment in the cold with her two children. She had lost her job and hadnt been able to find another yet. She has called homeless shelters and they all turned her away because they were already full. She continued on with how it was hard to believe that God was there for her amidst her trials. Sister Burningham and I were able to testify that Heavenly Father loved her and he had placed us in her path at this moment to share our message so that she could find that peace. We talked to her about the plan of salvation and how that related to her. The spirit was so strong. It was beautiful and such an answer to prayers. It was such a miracle and a blessing to see how we are daily able to become instruments in the Lords hands.
We also were able to do service this week. We were helping to clean a 15 year olds room out. We had to go through everything and find anything that looked like drugs, or was sharp that could be used for self harm. It was really sad to think that a 15 year
old was already so many choices that will affect her the rest of her life.
We had our Zone conference this week. It was really good. President Daines trained us on the atonement and how it relates to Adam and eve! It was quite wonderful. I learned so much! I love this gospel. Also we our mission is going to start each missionary doing 3 hours of family history each week!! Oh joy! I am so excited to be able to do our family history.
Ok so last but not least. The awkward moment for the week! We met a lady named Joyce this week and so we set up a return appointment with her. We go to the Return appointment and at the same time a van pulls up and a woman and her kids get out. She asks us if we are here to see Joyce. So we tell her yes. She tells us her name is Jane and that she is a friend of Joyce. So of course we are thinking this is an awesome opportunity to teach her friend as well. So we invite her to join us. She said " oh thats ok I think we will come back another time." We insist that she stays. ha as we sit down and start talking we figure out that Jane is SISTER JANE a Jehovah's Witness, she had come to teach Joyce a message as well. So there we all are trying to teach Joyce. It was fun to have a third companion for the day! ha it was an interesting lesson to say the least and very very awkward. The day the mormon missionaries and the Jehovah's Witness come together to teach one lesson. ha life is great!
Have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving, Love you all! Thanks for the many prayers and support!!
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