Monday, October 6, 2014

Meet the Mormons‏

This week started out so wonderful!! We had a specialized training where we had permission to watch "Meet the Mormons" It was really fun! They passed out popcorn and treats. It was like going to the movies, but for missionaries. Ha the movie is wonderful! Of course I haven't seen a movie for quite awhile so I'm not sure I'm the best judge of it. I tend to like anything that is about Mormons. ha There was a quote that I liked from the movie he says "Im not perfect, but I am perfect at trying." I love this. I am not perfect at trying but I am always working to improve and change what needs to be changed so that I can become better each day. I know that this is only possible through the atonement of our Savior.
We have  been seeing many small Miracles this week. First off we ate at a "Mexican" Restaurant this week and the manager gave us a discount because we were missionaries. That was totally sweet!!  Anyways, we had exchanges on wednesday to thursday so I was in a town called Circleville. It was really great. I helped teach a lesson to a lady named Carla. All we did was ask her questions and let her testify to herself that the principles of the gospel are true! The spirit was so strong. It was wonderful. Also during dinner we had an old coupe telling us about how their friend had her toes eaten off by her dog, but because of her diabetes she didnt feel it. Uh gross. Thanks for telling me that while we are eating. ha ha oh Ohio!
Also Thursday was love yourself day. Did you know that? me either. We were on campus and we got roses to remind us to love our selves. So remember that you are children of God and he wants us to love who we are, and then forget about ourselves and love others. ha
General Conference, was so great!! The Saturday afternoon session was my favorite. It was one of those sessions where every talk answers your questions and your prayers. I know that Heavenly Father hears our prayers and knows what we need to hear through His prophets and apostles. 
This week I had lost my study Journal and I couldnt find it anywhere I looked in the car, everywhere in the apartment. EVERYWHERE. I even call our sister training leaders to see if I had left it there on accident. Nope. So I prayed. I felt like I need to check the trunk one more time. and there lay my study journal in plain sight. Not even hiding at all. I know that, it was because of pray. Pray=Power.
We also started teaching a family this week, Mike and Lacey, and then they have 4 kids. They are all so cute!! Our first appointment went really well! I cant wait to teach them again. We also got into a less actives home, and she wants us to teach her non-member son! Miracles are everywhere! It has been a fantastic week!!
I hope you all have a wonderful week!! Love you all. Thanks for your support and prayers. Shout out to the McQuivey family, and My family  for the packages(Zwahlen Family im sure yours is on the way)!! Thanks!!
Sister Zwahlen

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