"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh and anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God." Ether 12:4 This week we got to teach seminary. It was a lot of fun. We taught on Ether 12 with is the Faith chapter for any of you that dont know. So we talked about things that can anchor our lives with hope and faith. Then we talked about the "waves" we face in our lives and how an anchor in Christ keeps us steady and sure. I love it. We also talked about how we need to set a firm anchor before the storm comes. Also we talked about those from the Book of Mormon who had a trial of their faith before they received the miracles. I have seen this so many times on my mission. We are required to test and strengthen our faith before we see the blessings. Also an insight I had was that faith is not just a belief in things that we cannot see. It is an ASSURANCE of those things. an assurance that Jesus IS the Christ and savior of the world and that God IS our loving Heavenly Father.
Sorry this weekly email is going to be really short. Since I emailed last I haven't had much happen, I have been really sick. So I have been sleeping a lot of the weekend. and I just emailed you Thursday. Also the space bar at this computer is sticky so it isnt that fun to type on this computer.
Sorry this weekly email is going to be really short. Since I emailed last I haven't had much happen, I have been really sick. So I have been sleeping a lot of the weekend. and I just emailed you Thursday. Also the space bar at this computer is sticky so it isnt that fun to type on this computer.
Sister Tueller and I did have 4 people at church this week, which is awesome. Marv, Tauna and her kids were there. They are awesome. Since it was fast and testimony meeting I was a little worried about what people would say, but everyone was so inspired to what Marv and Tauna needed to hear. I think that it really helped them. They enjoyed it. Now we just need Marv to stop asking if we have coffee since he cant wake up. Ha Word of Wisdom is another lesson.
Love, Sister Zwahlen

Me, Sister Tueller, and our member Hailee
By the painted wall in Glouster. A town in our area.
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