"Because He came, there is meaning to our Mortal Experience." President Monson
This past week has been kind of a struggle. Sister Burningham and I have been sick all week. We have had terrible colds or something that is what we will call it. I was nervous because I was playing the flute Sunday in Sacrament and I couldnt breath let alone breath deep without coughing. So I asked for a blessing. I am so grateful for the priesthood. It truly is the power of God. I felt well enough to play and I think it went well. (I borrowed to flute from a member of the ward). We are still sniffling and blowing our noses and coughing, but we feel well enough to go out and carry on the work! but feeling so so much better than last week!!
Last week was still really good. We had a mission tour. Where we were able to have Elder Perkins from the 70 come and speak with us and train us. It was so very good. Something I really liked that his wife spoke about and shared was D&C 64:25. "Wherefore, if ye believe me ye, will labor while it is called today." I love this, I really spoke to me and my situation. She related it to worrying only about what you need to do TODAY to serve Him. Dont worry about the future and letting yourself get overwhelmed with all you need to do. It helps us to set priorities. I really like that!!
Yesterday as I said was our Christmas Devotional. It was so much fun! We have a talent portion, and a White Elephant exchange. I ended up with an umbrella and a bag of M&M's. ha It was really fun and I am grateful I got what I did because some of the gifts were autographed, blow-up, pictures of the elders. They think they are funny. and it was pretty funny! We also got to watch a slide show that had picture from the year and baptism and that sort of thing. We played minute to win it games during our lovely Christmas meal. It is always so fun to get together with the mission to see our big family!! The last part of our Christmas Devotional was a musical fireside where members and investigators were invited to come. It was so spiritual. One of those experiences where you feel so encircled with love and gratitude for the many many things that we have been given. We are so blessed.
Oh I forgot to tell you, Our ward members are the absolute best. They collected presents for us and gave them to us on Sunday. WE are spoiled!! We got so much stuff! I will send pictures!! I just feel so blessed this Christmas season. I cannot put into words how grateful I am to be on a mission, especially around Christmas time. Thank you to everyone who sent Christmas cards and gifts. I love you all!
Merry Christmas!
Sister Zwahlen
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