"The Savior is the source of true peace. Even with the trials of life, because of the Saviors Atonement and His grace righteous living will be rewarded with personal peace." -Elder Quinton L. Cook.
So first things first. Transfers is here again. So next week my p-day will be Wednesday! Word on the street is there is a good chance I'm getting transferred... It might just be because I have been in Athens 6 months now:) I hope I get to stay one more transfer though so that I can be with Sister Bassett for one more transfer!
This week has been a Chinese week. Two of our new investigators are from China:) I love people from Asia. They are the most kind people as well as the most humble, and excited to learn. Also when they say they will keep commitments they normally do. Peter, who is one of the guys from China. Asked if we wanted him to read the WHOLE Book of Mormon by then next time we met with him. ha YES! but you you dont have to. just read a couple chapters and then pray. Ha he is the greatest! I am excited to teach him more. Then there is Crystal, She is from China and her brother lives in Utah. And she has a friend in Utah who is Mormon. So that is really good. She is willing to learn, and that is all it takes a small amount of faith.
Last but not least, we are teaching a guy named Eric. He is a student. He wasnt raised in a religious home. He believes that there is a higher power but he just doesnt know what it is yet. ooo ooo pick us. We know what the higher power is and we have the tools to help you find it out. he is so willing to learn. I think that is the key to missionary work. It isn't about being able to be the best teacher and convince people that our message is true. It is about finding those who are prepared and willing to put the work into finding out if it is true.
Im not sure anything amazing happened this week, but I will share somethings that I learned. First I have such a strong testimony of our Heavenly Father. He knows how to perfectly, with love and kindness correct us and teach us what is right and why His plan is better than our own. Ok so lately I have been in a panic mode because I dont want to come home... not yet at least. I have been feeling like I want to serve for a longer time. like 6 more months in addition to the time I still have left:) I have been worried about feeling pressure to come home and get married, and go to school, and get a job. All things that I dont need to think about here. We were at a member dinner this week and the Sister served a mission and she was talking about how she wanted to stay longer and didnt want to get married right away... etc. EXACTLY what im feeling. Then she said, " My mission president told me that Heavenly Father didnt want her to leave from her mission. It just needed to be in a different way. She needed to return home and be a missionary through out her life. She needed to raise a family and teach her children the way she taught investigators." It hit me. Just like Heavenly Father always does. I need to come home and not worry about it. I have so many great opportunities that await me. I can still serve and do the things I need to in life after my mission. If I have faith in His plan he will guide me where I need to go in life.
Then on top of all of that, Korin sent me a letter and in it she said something like "isnt it cool that we are doing the same work just in different ways? Ok Ok I got it Heavenly Father. Thank you for humbling me and helping me learn. I love that. He always knows how to correct me and show me His plan.
Ok well that was a long story. It taught me a lot! I guess that is all for now!! I hope you all have a wonderful week!! Love you allSister Zwahlen
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