"Inner courage includes doing the right thing even though we may be afraid, defending our beliefs at the risk of being ridiculed, and maintaining those beliefs even when threatened with a a loss of friends or social status. He who stands steadfastly for that which is right must risk becoming at times disapproved and unpopular." - President Monson " Be strong and of a Good Courage"
I really like this from his talk this past conference. I am not the most courageous person, but I have learned that " perfect love casteth out fear" I know since my mission when I have a love for the people in the area where I am serving. It makes it easy to have courage to share what I believe. I hope you all may have more courage to stand up for what you believe, even if it isnt the most popular belief.
This past week has been really good. We had Zone conference, it was really like going to a funeral. President and Sister Nilsen are leaving pretty soon and it was their last time they will get to train us. They were emotional and everyone else was as well because we love them and respect them. I am going to be so sad to see them leave. I have not emailed a lot about them. They are amazing. I cant even tell you how much they mean for me. I know that I was partially meant to serve here because I needed them as my mission president and wife. They are such great examples and they will be missed. On the other had we saw a little slide show about our soon to be mission president, president Daines and his family and they look awesome as well. I am excited to meet them and have the opportunity to learn new and different things from them. I really get the best of both worlds.
We also helped make some garden boxes for one of our members and we planted corn. It was fun, she had a huge floppy hat that she made me wear, but I actually fell in love with the hat and didnt want to give it back. That is on my list of the first thing I need to get when I get home. ha ha just kidding, but seriously I loved that hat.
Ok also, this past week we met with a guy named Chen Ga or Paul. He from China and you know how I love people from Asia. I was so excited to meet with him and my hopes were not crushed when we met with him. He doesnt have a christian background and doesnt know a lot about God, but he is amazing and wants to learn more. Yay!! and even better he wants his girlfriend to come next time to learn more:)
We got a mini missionary on Saturday. Her name is Sister Glaser (glay- sir) she is wonderful. She is 16, from Newark OH. and she is bold, and sweet, and quiet all at the same time. I love her.

Sister Tueller is a terrifying driver so that is us screaming because we almost died. haha only half kidding. |
This last week has been wonderful like always. I am super jealous you are all headed to Lake Powell. Make sure to have some fun for me:) Shout out to the King family. I got a birthday/ 4th of July package from them. Thank you!!
I love you all, have a great week.
Sister Zwahlen
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