" When we are grateful to God in our circumstances, we can experience gentle peace in the midst of tribulation. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. In pain, we can glory in Christ's Atonement. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heaven's embrace." President Uchtdorf " Grateful in Any Circumstances" I love this I am trying to be more sincere in my gratitude. Especially in my prayers. I have been praying for the specific food that I have in front of me. Which sometimes seems funny when I say " I am so grateful for the cheerios" but I really have noticed a difference in my prayers and how much more grateful I am!
Just a quick reminder that transfers are next week. the 26th of June. So p-day will be on Wednesday.
This past week has been so good!! Tuesday was a little rough we wanted to ride the shuttle to campus and we missed the first one we wanted to. So we visited a member till we could the next one came in an hour. So while we are waiting. We start talking to a woman named Ashley. She was awesome, but then the shuttle passes and didnt even slow down for us. AND our appointment on campus cancelled. Ha needless to say. I dont think Heavenly Father wanted us on campus. So we sat down and re analyzed our plans. We decided we needed to be other places. It was a good learning experience for us. Unfortunately it took us missing our bus twice ha It was great though because we got a return appointment with Ashley and we met a drunk man. cant complain about that. We also went tracting on a street and found a castle house. So now I can say that I knocked on a castle. (note it wasnt a cool castle it was made of storage sheds with foam sprayed on it. ha but hey with a draw bridge car port.
We had a chance to meet with "Paul" (Cheng-Ge) this week and taught the plan of salvation. It was perfect. He prayed at the end of our lesson and it was so sincere. He talked about how grateful he was to know that there was a God and to have us help him learn more! He is amazing. His girlfriend went back to China for a little bit so she wasnt able to meet with us though. We also met a really cool man named Tim. He went to school with Mormons and he lives all the standards we do. so its wonderful. We are teaching him as well.
Later in the week when we went back to campus we had a youth come with us so that we could split up and talk to twice as many people. It was so much fun. It is like getting the best of both worlds here in Athens I have met people from Ghana, Brazil, China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. It has been so wonderful. It is like getting a taste of each culture all while being in Athens, Ohio. I love it. I am so excited for this next week so that we can try and teach all of these great people. It has been a really great week. We have found so many people. I know that it is because Heavenly Father is answering our fast and prayers from us and all the ward members.
Today we had a district fun day. We played ultimate frisbee and soccer. While we were playing it decided to rain. Wait no let me take that back. It started to pour. We were all soaked within minutes. It was a blessing though because it is so hot and humid. It was so funny. Sister Tueller and I were the only sisters there today and for some reason everyone thought I was doing really well at sports today. They started calling me "the wall" Um ha ha I dont think it was a fat joke. but maybe. ha get it zWALLen like that ha oh elders they are something else. It was a lot of fun though.
On Campus of OU. |
Overall it was a fantastic week. We are going to have a really busy week this week and probably next as we say goodbye to president and Sister Nilsen. and Welcome president Daines. I hope you all have a great week. I love you all.
Sister Zwahlen
Party pig, This is the landmark we always refer to in The Plains. |