"You will come to know that what appears to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make" President Hinckley We will always be required to make sacrifices on this earth but I know that when we make them for the right cause we will always be blessed. Whether on this life or in the life to come.
Ok so we were at a member dinner this week and talking about how yummy cinnamon bears are to the members and they stop us and they are like "what in the world are cinnamon bears???!?" Uh everyone knows what a cinnamon bear in its a cinnamon.... bear.... a candy... its gummy.. "Oh like a gummy bear??" Uh kind of. So we have been on a search for others who have heard of cinnamon bears and people in Ohio think you are crazy when you ask them if they know what a cinnamon bear is. Go figure. I am going to have to start carrying them around and having people try them. Thanks to the NIcholls Family I have a whole bag of them.
This week has been a great week, and a week of trials. It seems like everyone drops us and Anti. is everywhere. I have never heard so many untrue things about our church. I think that especially with the students they want to research and the internet is right at their finger tips. Of course they dont look up the websites we tell them to. Who would do that. ha ha but it has been eventful. We were teaching a man named Tyler and he told us that God gave him a nightmare about fireflies and somehow it meant that the book of Mormon wasn't true. ha ha dont ask me how.
I got asked out this week as well. We were talking to a 36 year old man and he was talking about random things that I didnt understand so I was like "We actually have to get going to an appointment (which we did) but we would be happy to teach you more about the book of Mormon another time. He was like "actually I would really like to take you out."
Uh.. we dont date as missionaries..
Well you wont be on your mission forever.
Thats true. How about I give you a website to look up with really uplifting videos about what we believe?
How about you give me your number and I will use it.
To learn more about our church?
No. To ask you out.
Oh, well here is a card. There is a really great website. Have a great day.
AWKWARD!! Sister Tueller laughed all day about it. Gross.
Dont you worry though because I am an awkward person. Some may even say crazy. We were talking to a man on the street and he was in a wheel chair. I asked if we could give him a card and he said "no church isnt for me, I dont need it." So, of course I have to act without thinking and I put a card into his shirt pocket and tell him that one day he might. and that he should look up the website on the card ha ha You just cant take no for an answer as a missionary. ha
We met some really great people this week though as well. A man named Dave or "friendly dave" He is wonderful. We taught him for the first time and he is so open and willing to listen and pray about the things that we have taught. Anna is a college girl who doesnt shave.. uh that is ok no judgement, just different. She is cool though and came to church on sunday. Joe is in a wheel chair and he cried during the 1st vision and then told us that we needed to have lunch with his pastor. That might be fun ha ha But the greatest person of the week is Paul. He is so prepared. He is telling all the members about his baptism on the 26th and he cant wait. he finished the whole book of Mormon in 2 weeks! and he is going to start reading the bible. ha He makes our day everytime. I am so excited for him! He is going to be such a great member!
This week has been wonderful and I am grateful to be here, and ready for change all at the same time ha ha I hope you all have a great week!! Love you all.