"There will be times when you think you cannot continue on. Trust the Savior and His love. With faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the power and hope of the restored gospel, you will be able to walk tall and continue on." - Elder Uchtdorf
I dont really have a lot to email about this week even though I guess a lot has happened.
First Happy Valentines day. For Valentines Day we had cookies and hearts out of paper that we heart attacked to people we loved including members and investigators. It was fun, we got caught a couple times sticking hearts to peoples doors but over all we were very sneaky. ha but it was fun because everyone at church was so excited about them and they kept coming up to us to thank us. I am glad they like them.
On Thursday we were texted and asked to put together a musical number for sacrament meeting. So that we exciting. I ended up accompanying Sister Parkes, and the Elders as well as a member who all sang "nearer my God to Thee"they sounded wonderful. I told them I would play the piano so that I could get out of singing ha
We had a lesson with our investigator Gail this week. She is the one we have been fasting with so that she can find a way for her circumstances to change so that she can be baptized. Well this week she had an opportunity for those things to change! Everything is perfect. Im not sure she will take them, but she is getting so close to baptism. I hope that things work out soon!! ha probably not while I am here but that isnt what matters.
Oh so our crazy experience for the week was with a man who claims to be a member whose records were lost and so he isnt a member but refuses to be baptized again. Anyway. he doesnt come to church and he has a lot of crazy beliefs. One of them involves crystals and he gave us all crystals to have. He kept having us hold them between our hands and he would say "feel the energy" "the energy is strong with this crystal" It was a struggle not to start laughing as we held crystals and couldnt feel anything ha
Well I guess that is all for this week, Until next have a great week!! Love you all.
Sister Zwahlen
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