Family and Friends,
"Love is the way of the disciple" - Elder Utchdorf "The Love of God" This is an amazing talk!! Read it if you have time. I love this. Love is where it is at. If you love God, everything else falls into place, and you will feel the love of our Heavenly Father I promise you that!!
This week we have been sharing the mormon message "mountains to climb" that comes from the talk by Elder Eyring.. Please look it up and watch the movie and read the talk, It is so powerful, and the greatest thing is that it relates to everyone. We all have trials and our own "mountains" to climb.
Sister Z, Alma, Sister Love |
Anyways this week was amazing!! Alma was baptized and confirmed this last weekend. I feel that I have been a slacker at telling you about Alma, so this may come as a shock to all of you, but anyways, we have been teaching Alma since November, She is 19 and she is amazing. We taught her the word of wisdom, she stopped smoking right then. We taught her the law of Chastity and she kicked her boyfriend out of her house the next day.
Sister Zwahlen, Alma, Jimmy, Sister Love |
We taught her about the Book of Mormon, she has been reading everyday since. She is just so faithful, I am so impressed with her willingness to keep any of the commandments, even when she might not understand them, she just knows that they are important so she lives them!! It was exciting to see her baptized. It was even better because Jimmy our Recent Convert got to baptize her(which is the first time he has got to use the priesthood) It was so great! He had to do it three times though because he kept saying everything correct but he wouldn't say amen at the end. ha it was funny. Everyone was shouting, "Say Amen" Anyways it wasn't the most reverent of baptisms, but it was still special and the spirit was there!!
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